$80 private lessons

$70 group lessons

We offer English riding lessons with focus on dressage.  We have lesson horses for various rider needs - from a 100% bomb-proof horse for fearful beginners to athletic dressage schoolmaster horses.

Anamchara Stables

I love to connect horse and rider physically, mentally, and emotionally. No matter if you are interested in learning serious dressage or if your primary goal is to enjoy time with a horse for your own healing - horse and rider are an amazing team and learning to ride means learning about the horse's physical and mental needs.

$80 private lesson: total time is 60 minutes.  Time on the horse is about 30 - 40 minutes.  

$65 private lesson: total time is 30 minutes. Time on the horse is about 10-15 minutes.  This is ideal for very young children.

$70 group lesson: ​total time is 60 minutes. Time on the horse is 30-40 minutes.

Children lessons focus on understanding and respecting the horse's needs, leadership skills, and just plain FUN!

Adult lessons 

Children lessons